I. Departmental Objectives
At the end of the course, the learner should be able to demonstrate the acquisition ofsound knowledge of Paediatrics and essential facts about common medical problems inchildhood, as well as achieve an acceptable level of basic clinical skills in approaching andsolving problems pertinent to the value of maternal and child care and the responsibilities ofvarious branches of health, social and educational services in promoting comprehensive health care to children, families and community using primary health care approach.
II. Level Objectives
Final Part I MBBS
At the end of the course , the learner must be able to Acquire the knowledge of Paediatrics and essential facts about common medical problems in childhood andadolescent, using primary health care approach.
Acquire the skill of
- Approaching and dealing with the healthy newborn and sick babies, infants, children and their parents
- Taking full history
- Performing thorough clinical examination
Acquire the attitude of
- The acceptance of comprehensive health care aspect of children
- The development of the appreciation of practice of delivering appropriate health education regarding common childhood illnesses
Final Part II MBBS
At the end of the course, the learner must be able to
Acquire the knowledge of
- Child Health and Adolescent Health
- Essential facts about medical problems in childhood and adolescent
- Management of childhood problems using primary health care approach
Acquire the skill of
- Communicating with the healthy and sick newborn babies, infants , children,adolescent and their Parents
- Taking full history
- Performing thorough clinical physical examination
- Performing simple bedside procedures and laboratory procedures
- Management of common childhood problems and disorders
- Practicing preventive health education regarding common childhood illnesses andcommon adolescent problems
Acquire the attitude of
- Appreciation of practice and responsibility of the various branches of health, socialand educational services concerning with care of the healthy children and adolescent, sick and handicapped children
- Developing an appreciation of the value of maternal and child care
- Having essential habits of applying scientific methods in approaching and solving problems
- Accepting the comprehensive health care aspects of children, families and the community.
Programme structure for Final Part II
Training period - 18 months
- Bloc posting -16 months (4 month for each group)
- Examination period - 2 months
Teaching learning methods
- Lecture / Demonstration on history taking and clinical methods
- Picture Quiz
- Bedside teaching
- Case demonstration
- Supervised clinical practice
- Case presentation
- Self- practice
- Student’s presentation (once a month) for communication and practical skills
Assessment and evaluation for Final Part II
Total marks for final exam – 100 marks ( Class work + Final exam marks )
- Class work Final Part I ( OSCE ) 10 %
Final Part II (Theory + OSCE ) 20 %
Final exam (Final Part II)
Theory paper I 20 %
Theory paper II 20 %
OSCE 30 %
Pass marks 50 % each in class work, theory and OSCE
Moderation 46% in one compartment but final aggregate must be 50 %
Distinction 75% in class work, theory, all compartments of OSCE and grand viva
OSCE - 5 stations
Station 1 – History
Station 2 – Physical examination
Station 3 - Physical examination
Station 4 – Photo
Station 5 – Management
Title of the Course
Master of Medical Science (Paediatrics)
The aim of the course is to provide a comprehensive training in pediatrics so as to preparethe trainee with a foundation up to a standard competent enough to become a pediatric specialist, a senior teacher in Pediatrics, or a research worker.
The Objectives of the course are therefore to
- Strengthen the knowledge of basic medical science and principles of Pediatrics(Knowledge)
- Train the candidates to have competent skills in diagnosis and management of childhood disorders (skill)
- Stress the importance of the family and its environment in the development of childhood diseases so that the trainees will appreciate the social and preventive aspects of Pediatrics (Attitude)
- Impart basic research methodology so as to obtain and share more relevant information on the clinical materials
First year Duration Teaching Method
- Basic Medical Sciences 2 months Lectures, Tutorials(Related to Pediatrics)
- General principles of Internal Medicine 6 months Tutorials and Pediatrics Seminars
- Social and preventive pediatrics Topic reading
- Journal reading
- Case assignment
- Clinical duties
- Autopsy
- Revision and Evaluation for 1 month
First year Examination
Second year and Third year Duration Teaching Method
- Preparation for M. Med. Sc 3 months Self Reading(supervised) Dissertation protocol
- Pediatric emergencies 16 ½ months Tutorial Topics and
- Systemic pediatrics Journal reading
- Case discussion
- Case conferences
- Case assignment
- Clinico-Pathological meeting
- Performance /Autopsy attendance
- Neonatology 3 months
- Pediatric related medical 3 ½ months Out-posting
Learning Strategies
- Clinical pediatrics
- Principles of Pediatrics
- Dissertation
- Formative assessment
- Summative assessment
(a) Theory paper composed of Written paper and Viva
(b) Clinical